
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2015


Hi! Today I will speak about my favorite movie: Trainspotting. This is movie be about a group the addicts to the heroin. They live a series of events your own of yonkies of this age.  This movie is directed by Danny Boyle and is base in a novel write for Irvine Welsh. This history i takes place in the suburb of Edimburg, Escotland. The protagonist is Mark Renton, role perform for Ewan McGregor. He, with his friends (SickBoy, Tommy and Spud) look for get easy money for can to inject heroin. The history pass and Mark Reton suffer of overdose, and is enclosed in his room for his parents. He runs away for injected.  Later, of live danger events he get job, girlfriend and a life normal.  This movie i like so much because I see this movie when I was younger, and I was very rebel. For this I am feel very identify with the personages of this movie.