Post 4 - Sociology as a way of observing art.

Hi everybody, in this post I will write about the sociology as a way of observing art. First, I practice differents types of art, I take photos, I dance so much, I draw, and I sing music rap so much. For this, I' m interesed in unit the sociology an the art because my career generates a critical vision of the world, and for me It generates a critical vision of the call art. For this, I would like say you differents reflections about the art.
First, I will speak about of the industrutal culture, definition do for the Frankfut School. The industrutal culture are all the forms of culture that Its produce and reproduce reality. And the industrural like the musical or the cinematographic study the market for do tracks and cine that can sell and can be consume for a public. For this, many of the tracks and movies is done with the intention commercial and don't artistic.
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All this, respond to the capitalism system, because the intention of the artist have a background monetary. Horkheimer and Adorno, postulate to the industrutal cultural like a form the control of the society, because this industrutal produce reality that can be bad the society, like the reggaeton produce thought male chouvinist or so much movies produce and reproduce the american dream.
Resultado de imagen para reggaeton machista
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